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manuscript overview & formatting


  • Papers are expected to be submitted via the online google form as Microsoft Word documents. Note that you will be asked to submit two versions of your paper, including one blinded copy.

  • Papers should be between five and fifteen pages (excluding the abstract and references), double-spaced. Please contact for exceptions to this requirement.

  • Number each page in the bottom right-hand corner. 

  • Please use the following main section headers for traditional research papers: Introduction, Methods, Outcomes, Discussion, Conclusion, References, and Acknowledgements (if applicable).

  • Sub-headings may also be used, if appropriate. Any header style or formatting may be used.

  • Conflux is now accepting more diverse submissions including commentaries, analytic essays, public health practice vignettes, and several other styles. Please see this guide compiled by Professor Quissell for more information on these formats. 

stylistic guidelines


  • Your document must include a reference section in AMA  style. Using bibliographic software (e.g., Endnote, RefWorks, Mendeley) is acceptable.

  • Page numbers should be included in the text citation following a specific quote. 

  • References should be numbered consecutively in the order that they appear in the text and can be used more than once throughout an article. 

  • When citing references in the text, please do not use superscripts, as this produces difficulties in our production and layout software. Rather, enclose each reference number in brackets following the punctuation (i.e., text before a comma,[1] end of the sentence.[2]).


Examples for journal citations:

  • Author last name, first/middle initial(s). Article title, Lowercase unless the beginning of the title or following a colon. journal name (italicized). Year;volume(issue): inclusive pages. doi: number with no punctuation 


1. Yusa A, Berry P, Cheng JJ et al. Climate change, drought and human health in Canada. Int J Res Public Health. 2015;12(7): 8359-8412. doi: 10.3390/ijerph120708359

2. Christian-Smith J, Levy MC, Gleick PH. Maladaptation to drought: A case report from California, USA. Sustain Sci. 2015;10: 491-501. doi: 10.1007/s11625-014-0269-1


Multiple authors:

  • For up to 6, list all authors. If more than 6, list the first 3, followed by "et al."





  • Cite values in metric units.

  • Numbers should be spelled out if they occur at the beginning of a sentence or heading.

  • Please use a leading zero for all numbers less than one (e.g., p<0.001).

  • When using numbers for in-text lists, place numbers in parentheses. For example: 

    • The three major themes which emerged were: (1) economic contextual factors, risky behaviors, and the at-risk population; (2) local resources; and (3) grassroots ideas for action.


  • For p-values indicating statistical significance less than 0.01, the number should be rounded to three decimal points. For all other numbers, round to two decimal points.

  • For numbers less than 1, precede the decimal point with a zero.



  • Write out the full term the first time the word is used, followed by a parenthetical abbreviation, with the exception of common abbreviations (e.g., US or UK for the United States or the United Kingdom) or standard units of measure (m, ft, cm). 


  • 250-word maximum

  • Use the following section titles within your abstract: Background, Methods, Outcomes, Discussion, Conclusion.


tables and figures

  • There are no defined limits to the number of table and figure inclusion, and this number is flexible depending on the paper's content.

  • To ensure proper quality, please submit each figure in its original format rather than pasting it into the manuscript document - i.e., if the figure was created using PowerPoint, please upload the .ppt/.pptx file in the appropriate field within the submission form. If this is not possible (for example, if the figure was made using statistical software), please contact the Editor-In-Chief in order to determine the best way to handle these files.

  • Within the manuscript text, please number tables and figures consecutively and supply a brief title and legend (if appropriate) for each. Be sure that the file name for each uploaded figure corresponds to its title within the text. 

  • If you use a table or figure from another source, obtain permission and acknowledge with "Source: Author" after the title and description.


If applicable, please contribute any personal photographs to accompany the article. In addition to photos of scenery, it is also common for authors to submit personal photos of the research team and in-country partners; however, please assure that all people in the photo have provided consent prior to printing. In the interest of maintaining anonymity during the paper selection process, these photos should be submitted with the manuscript but will be kept separate from the manuscript submission during the review process. 


author bios

In addition, authors of papers are asked to contribute a brief (150-200 words maximum) personal bio that outlines the authors' background. Topics that have been covered in the past include student's year, school or major, specific research interests, and whether the authors received funding (e.g., Center for Global Health Scholar, Jefferson Public Citizen grant recipient). For more information on this section, please refer to past issues of the journal. Please be sure that the author bios are included in the full version only and are absent from the blinded copy.


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